

Did you know that 9.4% of the world’s population suffers from acne? Unfortunately, only 22% of people with acne seek medical assistance to manage their problem.

At the DCL Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, we would like to break down the taboo and help more people remedy this problem early before it leaves irreversible consequences.

Acne occurs when sebum, an oil produced naturally by the body with the help of dead cells, causes the hair follicles to become occluded. The increased production of sebum promotes the growth of bacteria. Combined with the inflammation, this causes the follicle to rupture, leading to the formation of a “pimple” (erythematous papule).

The manifestations and severity of acne vary greatly from individual to individual: whitish pustules, recalcitrant blackheads, erythematous papules (classic pimple), nodules and cysts. The more severe types of acne can leave significant scars.

Several non-invasive treatments are available at the DCL Clinic to help you eliminate your acne problem and the after-effects left by it.

Solutions :

Based on the assessment, our doctor will recommend the ideal treatment for your condition. The treatments will therefore be adapted and optimized specifically for you.

Special Offer

This monday only 30% off massage.

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