Tired / dark circles

Tired / dark circles

The eye area is a very sensitive area where the effects of aging and fatigue are easily manifested. There are several factors that cause tired or darkened eyes. A hereditary component is often to blame, but healthy living (alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, tobacco) contributes significantly to the appearance of dark circles. In addition, water retention amplifies the appearance of dark circles. We talk about bags when there is an accumulation of water or fat under the eye which increases the appearance of the dark circle.

There are many causes of dark circles, but they all have in common a decrease in the thickness of the skin around the eyes. On most parts of the body, the skin is 2-3mm thick. However, under the eyes, the skin is normally 0.5 mm thick.

Thinner skin means that the blood vessels on its surface are more visible to the naked eye, making it look a different color. What you see on the surface is a direct reflection of what is below. As you age, your skin also loses collagen and elasticity, which refines it and makes dark circles more visible.

At the DCL aesthetic medicine clinic, several treatments are available to reduce the appearance of dark circles and correct the bluish / dark coloring associated with them. The use of dermal fillers corrects the dark circles and at the same time improves the appearance of the underlying skin instantly. Micro-needle, PRP and laser are other interesting options to correct the problem.

Our doctor will advise you judiciously on the best personalized treatment to consider according to your problem. Say goodbye to dark circles!

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