

Unlike the natural “flushing” triggered by emotions, physical exertion or even stimulating products such as alcohol, caffeine or certain spices, the redness associated with rosacea is permanent and irreversible.

Rosacea is caused by the dilation and breakage of small vessels that nourish the skin. The vessels thus weakened can no longer “contract” and resume their normal shape. They then become visible on the surface of the skin.

If not taken care of properly, the redness will increase and it will be more and more difficult to cover it up, hence the benefit of treating rosacea as soon as possible.

It is possible to make these small visible vessels disappear by treating them with a specific and efficient laser. At the DCL clinic, we treat rosacea with the BBL laser, a modernized and improved version of the IPL (pulsed light) laser. This allows us to target the exact depth needed to treat vascular disorders.

Treatment is short (30 minutes) and should be repeated 3 to 4 times depending on the severity of the condition. Rosacea being a chronic disease, the problem tends to recur, but usually a single annual maintenance treatment is sufficient to control it.

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