Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Excessive sweating, also known in the medical world as hyperhidrosis, is a common condition that can be treated with injections of neuromodulators (Botox) or even more invasive surgery.

Sweating is a physiological mechanism for regulating body temperature. In hyperhidrosis, the amount of sweating is excessive and can occur without the thermoregulatory mechanism being called upon. Because nerve endings are over-activated, they signal the body to sweat inappropriately. The affected areas are not limited to the armpits. The hands, feet and forehead can also be affected. When injected, neuro-modulators are effective in blocking the transmission of the sweating message and preventing sweating from becoming excessive.

Treatment should be repeated every 6-12 months depending on each individual and the cost of treatment is usually covered by various private drug plans.

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